The Circle Of Art


If you went to the Circle Of Art festival last weekend you probably saw The Borrego Sketchbook making its public debut along with the Borrego Art Guild booth.   Comments were positive, sales were very encouraging and nobody threw tomatoes; all in all, two great days in the sun, surrounded by art and commerce.

Many thanks to everyone who stopped by and talked and much and more thanks to my Art Guild colleagues who set up the deal, especially Beth Hart who organized us and Jacque Goodrich who coordinates the Circle of Art and first suggested that I look into participating.

And now some of you must be saying, “Hey, wait!   I didn’t go to the Circle of Art!  How am I going to purchase that fantastic Borrego Sketchbook merchandise?  Is there no justice in the world???”

To that, I respond thusly:  Stay tuned, true believers.  Stay tuned.

Big, Bold, Beautiful BAI

opening_exteriorJan 19, 2013 introduced a whole new chapter in Borrego Art.  The Borrego Art Institute reopened in their new location on Christmas Circle.  You can see part of the story of the building’s purchase and renovation here.  The theme for the show was Big, Bold, Beautiful: three adjectives that apply not just to the art but to the building and especially the opening night turnout.opening_crowds2A LOT of people came.  This isn’t even when it was most crowded.opening_birdLeslie Duncan presents a new painting.  opening_eagleAn eagle, carved by Paul Jorgensen, perched  between two paintings.opening_hummingbirdAnd in keeping with the bird theme, here’s mine.  Kind of hard to see the scale in this picture but believe me that it is big and bold and, perhaps after a few fine glasses of wine, beautiful.

If you weren’t there to see it, I must state definitively that this was a very exciting night.  The BAI Board along with a host of donors, artisans and builders have worked tirelessly to bring about an incredible transformation in the heart of Borrego and it was a thrill to see the community come out and join in celebration.  Congratulations to the BAI and here’s to many more openings!

Borrego Landscape Painters article

lscape1_webbedLast Fall I was among the artists profiled in The Sand Paper, the newspaper for the Anza Borrego Desert Natural History Association.  (I’m going to call it ABDNHA, like everyone does and save myself some typing next time.)  The article is now online here, on the author’s website which is an excellent resource for, well, California desert art.

I must say it was a great honor to be profiled alongside the other fine desert artists, especially two fellow Borregans: Barbara Nickerson and Carol Lindemulder.

One correction to the piece: I have a BFA in Animation/Illustration, not an MFA.

And the part where the reader is teased about an “unexpected direction” and a “study of Borrego life and residents,” well, that would be referring to this very website.